First time I made this mod. And it’s a perfect mod for my spinning, maybe a little bit heavier. White donga barrel is <3 19 centimeters 12.8 grams
Category: Double Sided
Tout type de mod symétrique
Clear Waterfall mod
New waterfall mod made today 🙂 this time in clear version. I really like this way to make waterfall mod, with sailor gel grip. It looks like a front of Firefly g3 mod 🙂 19.8More
Menowa* mod – Orange&Lightgreen
Menowa* mod with pentel watercolor barrel 🙂 20.5 centimeters 20.5 grams Tutorial >here<
Ivan Giotto
I made this mod for an FPSB member who wanted an Ivan mod with barrels wider than 21.7 centimeters 22.5 grams
Special mod – Alumilix
After 5 months of waiting, I am very happy to share you this mod, called Alumilix. 🙂 I had this idea 6 months ago and asked to a specialist for making me a special barrel.More
Menowa* Emboss Mod – Black & Red
20.5 centimeters 22.9 grams Yeah, again and again and again. I am really happy about this mod, because of the colorful barrels. I found them on a french store called “Monoprix”. About barrel, 7.8 cm longMore
Colors mod
It’s the first time I made this color, and it’s not bad ! 20 cm 16.75 gr Click >here< to see the tutorial 🙂
Menowa* mod – Mintgreen & lightpurple version
New Menowa* mod ! I am really proud of it, hope you will enjoy the photomontage ! 🙂 20 cm 20 grams
Dr.KT Yellow-Black
For people who wants a DR.KT heavier than the normal one 🙂 You just have to put ~8 stripes of a Sailor gel grip into a half of Dr.Grip grip. More colorful and ~2 gramsMore
Waterfall Mod
I am happy to share you this Waterfall mod ! 😀 20.6 centimeters 13.7 grams
Personal Pen Modding Dr.KT
Here is my personal pen modding dr.kt. Actually people love heavy and long mods. But dr.kt is considerated now as a light mod for most of them. That’s why I’ve wanted to revisit this oldMore
Ivan Menowa* Hybrid
I am proud to present you the IM* Hybrid ! Hybrid of Ivan mod and Menowa* mod 🙂 22 centimeters 22 grams
[Tutorial] wAm7
This one is : 17 grams 20 centimeters Materials list : 2 Color Twin / Keyto / Art Color Twin / etc. (Big caps) ; 1 Sailor (Grip) ; 2 Giotto turbo maxi, the sameMore
If you are an old penspinner, you could know this mod. This mod was made by Dongza in 2009-2010. On the left, it’s the old one with mechanical pencil barrel (discontinued) and on the rightMore
MMH – Green&Black
I’ve made again this mod for a JeB pen spinner called Tigres (UPSB moderator). I really like his spin. You can see his combos >here< 18.5 centimeters ~ 9.5 grams
Menowa* Mod
Hello ! Today I show you again a Menowa mod for a new FPSB member, orange-black. 20.5cm 21gr
I’ve just made a trade with a very good German pen modder called Jolly and get some Smiggle markers. Here is my personnal penmod with it. Enjoy ! >Jolly Twitter account< 20 centimeters 14.82 grams
My-Gi- Emboss version
I made again this mod. Looks like Menowa* Emboss mod but it’s totally different. I’ll post the tutorial soon ! 30 grams 20.5 centimeters