I’ve been for a couple of days at Lyon to visit my family and I’ve found those funny pens. It’s been like 5 months since I went to a new stationery store 💀 I went at Gilbert Jeune this time. It is a very cool stationery shop findable in many big French cities. You can find great and unique pens as I’m going to show you.
Here Old flexgrip elite. Tips are curved and metal. Rare in France nowadays because :
- The new flexgrip ultra got plastic “straight” tip
- The new flexgrip elite got metal “straight” tip
Curved metal tips are used for near and megas’ grip aviaire.

Pilot choose. I think it is discontinued in some country and it is valuable in Japan. So if you can get it, don’t hesitate to trade with Jeb members. The tip is used for the beige g3 iirc. Barrel is round shaped but a bit short and got a lip at the front.
Edding 4600. Barrel thinner than comssa (if my sight is good) and tapered cap, little bit as emboss caps. Not so bad for a light DC penmod. Barrel is super long and it seems the front and backcap can be removed.

A yellow highlighter Superpirat. Not so new tho, some people can get it since 2015. But it is my first time to see those by my eyes. The backplug is white (blue for the regular one) and the printing looks interesting.
The last one is call re:twist. Nothing changed compared to the regular Superpirat instead of the printing. I guess they wanted to make it like more “adult”.
Thank you for reading and next time I hope to show you some pens from Taiwan again 😎