Category: Pictures
Cloudburst mod
The Clouburst mod was invented by Lost Angelus. I really like this mod, because the barrel feels insane. Check the tutorial >here<
Fusion Mod replica
I’ve took 1 month to make this replica, thanks to pictures and video. The original as made by Neptune, the best french penmodder in 2009. It’s an amazing mod, very smart. Neptune’s Fusion mod :
I’ve made the replica of the TEK’s TFF. Only thanks to his picture. This mod is very nice to spin. Balanced 21 centimeters 22.1 grams His mod : 30/12/2015 update : Made again theMore
Belladonna Mod
An amazing mod invented by a new American penmodder, called Lost Angelus. 21 centimeters 15 grams The tutorial is on the forum UPSB, check it >here<
Dopamine’s Needle Point Mod
The Dopamine’s Needle Point Mod was invented by Dopamine, a Japanese pen spinner. 19 centimeters 12 grams Tutorial >here<
Acid MX
I’ve made this mod some years ago. Was invented by To_Ons, a very good old french penmodder. Tutorial on PenModding blog >here<
Juminuwo G3 Mod
This mod was invented by Juminuwo, a Japanese penspinner. Check the tutorial >there<
Ceramic waterfall mod
I think I’m the first who have made a full ceramic mod. 18 centimeters 27.85 grams Manufacturing date: February 2015
Mod Invented by Aaa and very used by S777. It’s one of the old french famous mods. You can check the tutorial >here<
G2 CTE Evolved
G2-CTE Evolved invented by Guitrum. You can see the tutorial >here<
CK White Mod
CK white mod invented by Guitrum, an excellent english penmodder. I’ve used a clear M&M barrel and Bellcolor caps. The tutorial for this mod is >here<