Hello ! Still Vôre-Tèx here 🙂
It’s been a long time I wanted to write this article ! It is about a trade I have done with Saifon from the Japen board 3 months ago !
At first I have only proposed Saifon to make a penmod for him (he asked me for a white bullet mod). You can see it on his blog >here<
Below are the stuff I have received from him !
A legit gold Dr.Grip. Wow, I never thought I will get one in my life lol
Clear Playcolor2. Pretty rare and valuable nowadays too. I like them so much. I am still thinking which good penmods I can make with.
Real white donga. I really like these barrel, which are better than “regular” comssa from PDS in my opinion (when you remove the printing). I think I will use them for my personal comssa 😀
Two Antique and one tinted hyperjell. I also like these Antique one.
A white sarasa sub, an unknown pen with a metal tip and a clear CT DC (I guess for his personal dc which is super cool). It is the first time I get a white sarasa, i like this pen !
A metal Zebra tect2way ! I guess this one is for writting lol.
Saifon com.ssa ! The design looks amazing, thank you for this gift ! <3
3 miffy pens, 1 white WC and one white Bonkura KT ! I think I didn’t except all this stuff from him lol. This is very valuable in France.
He aslo sent me this insert ! it is very well done. And I have made another mod for him. My personal RSVP MX. I will make a tutorial about it within the next months for sure !
Thank you very much Saifon for all this stuff !! I hope we can trade together again in the future.
Thank you for reading and see you next time ! 🙂