I’ve been working on this project for a month now : the G-2 Vore-Tex series (can be called G2VT).
The series was about creating and selling some nice looking penmods for beginner and intermediate spinners at a lower price than I usually do : under 15€/$ shipping fees included if you are living in France. In general, I am used to sell penmods at 20€/$ without shipping fees so I can tell won my own bet.
Each penmod of the series are unique by the colors, the grips and the weight choosen.
Length and weight can vary a lot, but mine are about 22cm and 20g.
Looking for a spinning effect in particular ? Here are the time code :
0:00 Chocolate
0:13 Red
0:23 Cherry Blossom
0:36 Pumpkin
0:43 Yellow
1:02 Lime Green
1:21 Pine Green
1:36 Sky
1:46 Sea
1:56 Flesh
2:11 Violet
2:18 Black Night
What if you want to make the mod instead of buying it ?
The process is nothing ingenious, I think. I agree it looks like most of industrial penmods, though. I won’t share all my secrets, but here are the foundations :
– 2 G2 back barrels (otherwise it is not a G2 mod anymore)
– a connector than can fit into G2 barrels (such as a bic round stic)
– a small piece of grip/body for the middle
– a 1.1cm width barrel cut at the length you want (emboss can works well) for the caps
– ANY grips and tips
– insert from iVodka

Without shipping fees, prices start from 8€ to 12€. Yup, half the price of my starting selling price. You can find the mods here :
Hoping you’ll like the series !