I’ve invented this mod because I wanted to use big white Giotto cap (remember, the barrel is used for the Bullet mod from A13X). The name is My-Gi-, so Gi- because I’ve used Giotto capsMore
Category: Double Sided
Tout type de mod symétrique
New Sweet Drop mod
I’ve made my own version of the Sweet Drop mod (this sweet drop is the new one). I’ve changed the name in SwEAt, because I’ve used Emboss cap and Anyball grip.
Old Muji Menowa* mod
This mod was made by an excellent Chinese penmodder, Mjerry56 Check out his social networks ! Instagram Twitter
Irvine KT
This mod was made by an excellent Chinese penmodder. Check out his social networks ! Instagram Twitter
Why Wip.VX ? Wip for wipers, because the shape’s grips is perfect for that. Then, VX because the mod’s barrel is made with two Pilot G-2 in vortex.
Xoundssa was invented by Xound, the 2nd best world penspinner 2015. Tutorial >here<
Project Muyuubyuyu
Project Muyuubyuyu was invented by Mayu, an insane new German penmodder. This is my version of this mod. Check the tutorial >here<
Vôre-Tèx Old Namae Mod
Here is my own version of Old Namae mod, using a french mechanical pencil grips.
Menowa* mod Watercolor version
I’ve made this special Menowa* Mod for an American penspinner called Solaire. 21 centimeters 23.5 grams
I’ve bought Bic markers on a supermarket and made those two penmods : Left : 22.5gr, 21.35cm Right : 18.6gr, 21.25cm
Mod invented by Kazzr, a new french penmodder. You can check the tutorial on theFPSB >there< 20 centimeters 14 grams
Pink salmon Art Color Twin caps with turquoise barrel. 20 centimeters 18.7 grams
I think it’s the best light mod I ever invented. 19.6 centimeters 8.4 grams Check the tutorial >here<
I was inspired by the Dr.Maica of Froggy, a good penmodder from Australia.
I’ve made this mod like the Old Seven WC mod, but with a different barrel. Explanation of the name : α for tips (Alpha-Gel) μ for barrel (Mitsubishi)
Miffy MMx
I’ve invented this mod for an FPSB member called Gravitychord. He wanted a penmod for powertricks. MMx for MegaMaXimum : very long and very heavy. Check his YouTube channel !
Menowa* Miffy
The original mod is the Menowa* emboss mod. I’ve just changed Emboss barrel by new Miffy barrel. I am the inventor of this version. I’ve discovered the new miffy some months ago, it’s a very niceMore